“But who prays for Satan? Who in eighteen centuries, has had the common humanity to pray for the one sinner that needed it most"

This quote from Mark Twain continues to linger in my mind, reminding me of the power of redemption. It's truly remarkable how we often overlook those who need it the most. A simple act of kindness towards someone who has only known cruelty can work wonders.

 Imagine if we all extended a helping hand to those who were born in a burning house, metaphorically speaking. They may always perceive the world as engulfed in flames, but it's up to us, the ones outside the fire, to show them that life isn't always filled with agony and despair.

 I often ponder upon this, wondering if providing the necessary support and assistance could truly transform our world into a better place. While I may not fully grasp the concept of redemption just yet, I firmly believe that there are individuals who desperately need to be rescued from the scorching fire that has left them scarred. Don't you agree?


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