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Book review- The picture of Dorian Gray By Oscar Wilde

 The novel "The Picture of Dorian Gray" by Oscar Wilde, published in 1890, explores the corrupting influence of hedonism, the nature of art, the consequences of aestheticism, and the duality of human nature. One of the key aspects of the novel is Wilde's advocacy for aestheticism, which places art and beauty above all else. The protagonist, Dorian Gray, initially embodies this philosophy as he indulges in a life of pleasure and is influenced by Lord Henry's hedonistic views. The novel raises important questions about the value of beauty, art, and the pursuit of pleasure as legitimate life goals. However, the novel also serves as a warning against unchecked hedonism. Dorian's moral degradation, driven by his desire to maintain his youthful appearance captured in the portrait, illustrates the destructive consequences of prioritising sensual pleasure over moral and ethical considerations. Lord Henry Wotton, with his jaded and pleasure-seeking perspective on life, ass

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