Love is a drug and apparently we are all starving of it.

Stop checking your phone every second, hoping for a reply. Don't wait for his call just because you find him "cool" and like him. Let me tell you something - it's not him you're obsessed with, it's the rush of oxytocin and serotonin that your brain releases when you receive a text. But guess what? Your brain can get that chemical release from anywhere. You don't need a man, you just crave validation and those feel-good chemicals. Take a step back and ask yourself, is he really ALL THAT? Or are you just creating an idealized version of him in your mind? Think about it.

Are you constantly glued to your phone, anxiously waiting for his reply? Do you hang on to his every call because you're infatuated with him and think he's "cool"? Well, let me enlighten you - it's not him you're truly obsessed with. It's the rush of oxytocin and serotonin. You don't need a man to feel validated, you just crave that chemical high. So take a moment and ask yourself, is he really as amazing as you've built him up to be in your mind? Or are you simply romanticizing a version of him that doesn't actually exist? 

Love is a drug and apparently, we are all starving of it but what is love anyway? It's intriguing to explore the neurological aspects of love and how it impacts our brains. While I'm not a neurologist, studies have shown that love activates various regions in the brain, triggering the release of chemicals like dopamine, oxytocin, and adrenaline. These chemicals play a role in generating feelings of pleasure, connection, and a sense of fulfillment.

Toxic individuals have a knack for exploiting these chemical reactions through manipulative tactics like love bombing, all to keep you hooked on them while they offer you the bare minimum.


However, trying to compensate for the love you never received from someone by giving more is not the solution. If they truly wanted to love you, you wouldn't be feeling neglected or reading this blog right now. 

 It might be worth considering a different perspective if you find yourself constantly fixated on someone and anxiously checking your phone for their messages, while failing to recognize any manipulative behaviours they may be exhibiting. 

Thanks for reading!

